Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why I chose what I chose!

I suppose my first post of my new blog should explain the titles of the blog itself and also my profile title.  I titled this Blog; "For the Beauty of the Earth",  because I believe my life is basically good and it is basically good because my Heavenly Father created it so.  And because my life is on the earth at this time the blessings that come to me are because of the beauty which life on this earth has to offer.  I hope that makes sense and if it doesn't.... just accept the fact that I thought "For the Beauty of the Earth" was a cool name for a blog.  The title or name for my profile is a little easier to explain.   My profile name is; "A new phase of life".  So much of my life right now has been turned upside down.  This isn't a bad thing, actually in most regards it is a very good thing.   Last summer my husband Len and I became empty nesters.  Our youngest daughter moved downtown and left us with an empty house.  Then this spring our youngest son came home from college for the spring and summer to work and wait to go overseas to Japan for a year of college at a University there.  THEN....at the beginning of July our third son Chris moved home with his family which consists of Chris, Paula and their baby Starlyn (my granddaughter) and two cats: Forest and Sandman.  (I really like the names of these cats, the cats themselves.....the relationship is a work in progress)  So in a matter of months we went from being a family of 2 to being a family of 8 (including the cats).  At the same time Len moved his office home and so not only did we gain a number of  bodies to fill the bedrooms back up again but we lost a bedroom to Len's office.  (I had a sewing room for about a month).    We having a blast having the kids here.  It is fun having adult children in the home.  They clean up after themselves (for the most part), they can carry on a two sided conversation, they help buy food and they provide a little excitement to an otherwise sometimes too quiet of an existence.  But I digress, as each one of those things is a blog for another day.  The other part to my upside down world is that I have a new job.  For the past four years I have worked as the attendance secretary at a local middle school.  Because of a huge budget cut in our district, many jobs have been shuffled and I will be at another middle school in the fall doing something entirely different than what I have been doing.  This has caused a little anxiety in that I am not all together sure what I will be doing.  I am the Computer Support Technician/Testing Coordinator.  We'll see where that all leads.  Needless to say life is changing and I am entering into a new phase of life.....